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Browned Butter Blondie Recipe
  • Browned Butter Blondie Recipe

    Copper Spoon Cakery's Browned Butter Blondie recipe is now available for you to make at home! 


    Browned butter blondies are a delicious twist on classic blondies. They are made by browning butter, which gives the butter a rich, nutty flavour and a caramel-like aroma.


    These browned butter blondies have a crispier exterior and a softer, more gooey interior. The flavour is also more complex, with a deep, caramelised taste that is both sweet and savoury.


    What's included in the Browned Butter Blondie Recipe?


    This is a PDF download recipe with detailed instructions and measurements on how to bake the perfect amount for 9 large or 18 bitesize blondies. The PDF also includes my top filling and topping suggestions and how to add them to your blondie mix.


    Once purchased, this recipe is for your use only, sharing of this document is prohibited.


    Allergens to be aware of

    This recipe contains the following allergens: Gluten/Wheat, Eggs, Dairy (Milk, Butter), Soya.


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